On Monday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m., the workshop Bases for corn selection for own seed production will take place via Zoom.
It is aimed at corn producers, extensionists and breeders who want to deepen their technical knowledge for the selection and obtaining of seeds for the improvement of corn oriented to agroecological productions.
To participate, you need to sign up on this form. Then the access will be sent by email or by cell phone the days before the meeting.

- Selva Cuppari: Dra. Ing. Agr. Selva Cuppari, Professor of the Genetics Chair of the Department of Agronomy, National University of the South
- Claudio Demo: Family farmer. He manages a small highly diversified farm (with agroecological parts) and has among his goals to be self-sufficient in seeds (in coordination with colleagues) and the greatest progress has been made in obtaining and recovering corn seeds, such as Chucul, Dorado, Albinco, Quarantine, Frankenstein, etc. He also works as a teacher at the UNRC where he addresses social and productive issues. He is an Agronomist and generalized in Rural Development (Master’s degree in Chiapas).
- Milton Vélez: He simply tries to be a farmer as a way to connect with the land and its rhythms, the act of doing agri-culture sometimes gives him the opportunity to be an observer of the wonderful archetype the seed is capable of manifesting.
- Enrico Cresta: Organic producer in the area of Río Cuarto, Córdoba, president of the Grupo Cambio Rural Pampaorgánica Norte and member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Movement for Organic Production.