On Tuesday, July 11, Bioleft coordinated the closing workshop for the 2022-23 collaborative tomato evaluation campaign, with the participation of over 20 evaluators.
During the event, the projects “Al rescate del tomate criollo” [To the rescue of creole tomato] and “Código TomATe” [Tomato Code] presented their goals and projections.
We also shared the conclusions of the 2022-23 evaluation campaign and some participants had the opportunity to share their experiences and learnings.
Subsequently, we opened a space for everyone present to collaborate in identifying areas for improvement in the evaluation process, aiming to enhance the data collection sheets for the next campaign. The goal is to make them easier to complete while keeping the evaluation objectives in mind.
Finally, everyone was invited to engage in the new 2023-24 collaborative evaluation campaign. This time, all participants will receive the same three varieties from the “Al rescate del tomate criollo” project to ensure a greater number of repetitions when analyzing the data.
¡We appreciate everyone for their commitment and participation!