Under the motto: “Socializing territories, sowing diversity, harvesting sovereignty for development with equity” the III Argentine Agroecology Congress was held on November 29, 30 and December 1 in the Andean Region of Parallel 42º.
From Bioleft team, with the participation of María Laura Bravo y Selva Cuppari, we shared the experience report: “Collaborative evaluation of local tomato varieties in the Participative Plant Breeding process”. In this presentation, also written by María Paz dos Santos, the results of the 2022-23 tomato campaign were presented, highlighting the participation of gardeners in the design and sistematization of variables that allowed evaluating the tomatoes distribuited under the joint project between Bioleft and Al rescate del tomate criollo. The partial and final results were shared in virtual workshops organized by Bioleft, which had a wide participation.
The work presented in the Congress can be consulted here
Also, the event had spaces for conferences given by specialists in the central topics of the congress, round tables, expositions and posters defenses. Among the main topics addressed in the conferences were: Maristella Svampa – “Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur y los Debates sobre las Transiciones”; Paulo Petersen – “Agroecología en singular, sin adjetivos”; Ana Ladio – ¿Por qué es necesario un enfoque multidimensional en la agroecología? El enfoque de la diversidad biocultural junto a agricultores familiares patagónicos; Narciso Barrera Bassols – Redefiniendo la diversidad biocultural como el sistema inmunológico de un planeta en crisis. ¿patrimonio de la humanidad o matrices bioculturales territorialmente?; Gerardo Segovia – Entramando prácticas agroecológicas en el territorio para cosechar Soberanía. Misiones rumbo al Buen Vivir. Tensiones y desafíos; Georgina Catacora Vargas – La Agroecología en los marcos normativos nacionales e internacionales: Avances y precauciones.
We are delighted to have participated in such a diverse congress and to have exchanged innovative ideas with colleagues from all over the country. We hope to see each other again soon!