Sustainable agriculture is key to food sovereignty. In recent years, the concentration of the seed market has deepened the difficulties in accessing seeds that are suitable for the conditions of sustainable agriculture. Six speakers will talk about the challenges related to access to adequate seeds for sustainable agriculture, and possible strategies to address them: Anabel Marín, director of Bioleft (CENIT-EEyN-UNSAM and IDS, University of Sussex); Tamara Perelmuter (IEALC, GEEPAL and GER-GEMSAL, University of Buenos Aires); Gustavo Schrauf (Bioleft, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires); María Laura Bravo (National University of La Plata); María Paz dos Santos (Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires), and Norberto De Bonis (farmer).
Anabel Marín
Researcher on issues of innovation, science, technology and development, interested in multidisciplinary approaches to address problems of economic and social, sustainable and inclusive development, as well as the development of scientific dissemination products. She works on transitions towards sustainability in industries related to natural resources, open science, public and private linkages in agricultural biotechnology, manufacturing innovation opportunities in Latin America, and the future of seeds in Argentina and Brazil. She leads Bioleft and the Market, Business & State team at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
Tamara Perelmuter
Degree in Political Science (UBA), Master in Latin American Studies (UNSAM) and Ph.D. in Social Sciences (UBA). She is a researcher at the Institute of Studies on Latin America and the Caribbean, coordinator of the Study Group on Political Ecology from Latin America and member of the Rural Studies Group and the Study Group of Social Movements in Latin America of the Gino Germani Research Institute. Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences (UBA). Her works analyze the processes of enclosing seeds with emphasis on the transformations of intellectual property from the insertion of biotechnology, and we activate them in defense of seeds.
Gustavo Schrauf
Professor of the Chair of Genetics of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA). Director of the Farm “Cultivos del Sur” FAUBA. Agronomist U.N.Rosario, Magister Scientiae INTA-UNRosario, PhD in Agricultural Sciences UBA.
María Laura Bravo
Agricultural Engineer, graduated from the National University of La Plata, where she teaches Genetic Improvement and Socioeconomics. She works on aspects related to the Rural Development approach. She directs University Extension projects and coordinates applied research projects with family farming organizations.
María Paz dos Santos
Agricultural engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA), teaching assistant in the Chair of Genetics. She is also an advisory promoter for a group of horticulturists within the Cambio Rural program.
Norberto De Bonis
Farmer."We add biodiversity to regenerate soil. Trying to leave our children with better soil than we receive."