2024 of planting and harvesting 

On Friday, February 22nd a long-awaited moment arrived: our yearly evaluation and planning meeting. In Bioleft we find it crucial to take some time to harvest past achievements and sow future transformations. 

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III Argentine Agroecology Congress

From Bioleft team, with the participation of María Laura Bravo y Selva Cuppari, we shared the experience report: “Collaborative evaluation of local tomato varieties in the Participative Plant Breeding process”. In this presentation, also written by María Paz dos Santos, the results of the 2022-23 tomato campaign were presented, highlighting the participation of gardeners in the design and sistematization of variables that allowed evaluating the tomatoes distribuited under the joint project between Bioleft and Al rescate del tomate criollo. The partial and final results were shared in virtual workshops organized by Bioleft, which had a wide participation. 

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Seed production workshop at Minka 

On November 21, the first participatory tomato breeding workshop was held as part of the “Bioleft, participatory innovation in seeds” project, under the Citizen Science  program led by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MINCyT). In this project, Bioleft and Minka, an agroecological seed production cooperative, are working to evaluate different varieties of tomato, with the aim of developing seeds that are sustainable and of high quality. 

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Reflections from Bioleft on the 50 Years of the Seed and Plant Varieties Law

In the framework of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Law on Seeds and Plant Varieties, the Interdisciplinary Center for Industrial and Economic Law (CEIDIE) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires organized the event “Lights and Shadows 50 years after the Seed Law.” This event sought to explore the evolution of the legal regime and the implementation of the law, as well as to present an e-book dedicated to the topic.

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Women producers-breeders building food sovereignty

On Tuesday, October 3, we gathered with our parnters from Minka in his house of seeds at CEDEPO, located in the nearside of Florencio Varela. Minka semillera is an organization of woman who produce seeds on farms in Guernica and Florencio Varela Buenos Aires Province) and, organized as a cooperative, they aim to generate availability of diverse and resilient seeds for family farmers of the peri urban area of Buenos Aires.

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Bioleft on “Sowing Hope”, the 7th Provincial Trade Fair of Native and Creole Seeds”

On September 9, 2023, we had the honor of participating in the Seventh Provincial Fair of Native and Creole Seeds held at “Casona Santa Rosa” in Parque Pereyra Iraola, Berazategui, Buenos Aires. During the event we shared out experience in the panel “Production, conservation and breeding of native and creole seeds”, alongside our partner organization, Minka, and UTT seeds [Land Workers Union], and the Agrarian Development Ministry of the Buenos Aires Province. 

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