We work to facilitate the circulation of seeds for more sustainable agriculture. We develop activities of various kinds: agronomic experiments, networking, linking with public, private and supranational organizations and communication, nationally and internationally.
Participatory and collaborative breeding experiments
Since 2019, with the support of The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation, we have been conducting three experiments of participatory and collaborative open seed breeding. The experiments have an agronomic purpose, testing different seed varieties under different conditions and management, and others experiments are linked to improving Bioleft’s registration platform thanks to the valuable information that the seed producing and breeding communities provide in order to generate a collaborative breeding system with open seeds. It also aims to grow and strengthen the community of collaboration and exchange of seeds and knowledge of Bioleft.

Tomato experiment
Trabajamos junto al equipo del proyecto Al rescate del tomate criollopromoted by the chair of Genetics of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires and the Cultivos del Sur farm. They make available seeds recovered from old creole tomatoes, which are transferred under Bioleft agreements to farmers in different parts of the country, who sow the seeds using agro-ecological and biodynamic methods. By taking the seeds with them, they commit to keeping them open, as well as any derived seeds, and to returning agronomic information useful for participatory breeding. The definition of which data are useful, as well as the objectives of the breeding projects, is co-designed with the farmer communities and also with breeders from public institutions, through a series of workshops and meetings.